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Monica Evans,
Clinical EFT Practitioner

Peace, Love and Tapping

EFT ~ Emotional Freedom Techniques
Acupoint Tapping

Are you caught in the same patterns over and over?  Frustrated... Anxious... Stuck...


Do these feelings seem to find you, even when you change relationships, jobs or locations?

That's because a huge amount of our behavior is running on subconscious programs. And it's tricky, because subconscious literally means you don't know it's there until something reminds you of an experience and you get triggered. 

No matter how much you want to change, understanding the behavior is usually not enough. Limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns are often so ingrained, they need to be approached at a somatic level. EFT tapping helps the body connect current feelings to the root of where the program took hold, which puts real change within reach.


Flower in Sunlight

Monica is on another level.

As someone who has seen dozens and dozens of practitioners in my life, I don’t trust anyone as much as I trust her… not only does she hold space for some of the most painful traumas, but she can help you laugh at those inner voices that seek to sabotage life. I leave every interaction feeling more aware of what WAS holding me back, yet more inspired by my ability to overcome anything. She clearly has a wide breadth of knowledge of all things healing, internal family systems, somatic healing, and deep trauma informed care. I trust her so much that I send my own clients to her… which is something I do not do lightly. If you want someone to lead you to the depths, and then lead you safely back to a new future, seek no further.

Jackie  ~ EFT Tapping Trainer & Author

As a professional in the mental health field,

I think it's important to practice what you preach and do your own inner work. Monica makes it easy to go deep and addresses issues I wasn't even aware of. She's very empathic and creates a non-judgemental space, which helps me feel comfortable enough to open up. If you're looking for an excellent EFT practitioner, I strongly recommend working with her.

Diane J.

Monica is especially adept at listening to the message under the words and using her intuition to dive deep into the core wound or event. I know that I wouldn't have achieved my current level of clarity and freedom in life if not for her guidance around releasing my limiting beliefs, and encouragement to truly expand into my Highest Self. I'm grateful for her gentle and effective use of EFT in helping me heal what once felt insurmountable. I highly recommend working with Monica, she truly has a gift for this work.

Amanda W.

Let's work together toward positive change

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Follow me on Instagram @peaceloveandtapping

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Monica Evans’ services and products are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any psychological or medical conditions. Her website, social media feeds and products may include information and instruction relating to psychological, emotional, and mental wellness, EFT tapping, meditation, energy therapy, breathwork and yoga and our website and products relate to these topics for informational purposes only. Nothing contained on the website or products offered by Monica Evans are to be construed as any form of medical advice or diagnosis.

© 2022 by Monica Evans, Clinical EFT Practitioner

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