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EFT with Monica

Please Read Before Booking



By booking a session, I understand that Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT®) and other energy modalities are complementary approaches and are not a replacement for medical or psychiatric care.


I understand that Monica Evans is not a licensed doctor or therapist and uses all mindfulness and energy modalities as a healing practitioner and coach.


If I am being treated by a mental health professional, I understand that it is imperative to discuss any changes I am considering with my doctor or therapist first.


I agree to assume full responsibility for my own physical, emotional and mental health. By booking a session, I acknowledge that I have read the above and understand its contents.

Book a Session via Zoom

  • Let's see if EFT tapping is a good fit for you

    30 min

  • A great place to start if you want to try EFT $360

    1 hr 30 min

  • A perfect plan for one specific issue or monthly maintenance $640

    1 hr 30 min

  • This plan is a deep dive for weekly or bi-weekly appointments $1120

    1 hr 30 min

Sessions are offered via zoom. If you're having trouble finding a time that works for you, feel free to email me and we can set one up.

Peace, Love and Tapping 

Monica Evans’ services and products are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any psychological or medical conditions. Her website, social media feeds and products may include information and instruction relating to psychological, emotional, and mental wellness, EFT tapping, meditation, energy therapy, breathwork and yoga and our website and products relate to these topics for informational purposes only. Nothing contained on the website or products offered by Monica Evans are to be construed as any form of medical advice or diagnosis.

© 2022 by Monica Evans, Clinical EFT Practitioner

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